Our products are sold exclusively through our online distributor SingaporeMath.com. The links below take you to the purchase pages at SingporeMath.com.
Purchase the Parker/Baldridge texts (alone or as a package with the required Primary Mathematics texts).
Parker/Baldridge: Homework Adaptions for the "Standards Edition" Primary Mathematics books: free downloads from this page
Purchase additional Primary Mathematics textbooks and workbooks
Purchasing instructions for College Bookstores
our textbooks Elementary Mathematics for Teachers and Elementary Geometry for Teachers can be ordered at our distributor's website. Elementary Mathematics for Teachers can also be purchased as a package with set of the companion Primary Mathematics books.
Our books are found by selecting "Shop -- mathematics" in the drop-down menu; clicking "Math teacher resources" then brings you to this page.
Please visit their website or call them at 503-557-8100 to order.